December 4, 2022

Second Sunday of Advent

Men’s Ignatian Retreat starts tomorrow. Please keep silence on the retreat grounds this week. Please keep the retreatants in your prayers.

Christmas giving tree instructions. Please choose an ornament from the tree, purchase the item/items and deliver to the church office WRAPPED with the ornament attached by December 16, 2022. Please include a gift receipt, if appropriate. Thank you for your generosity.

Holy Name Society meeting Wednesday, December 7th at 6:00 PM in the Performing Arts Center. Fr. McFarland will give a conference, with discussion and refreshments following.  All men interested in learning more about the Holy Name Society are encouraged to attend.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception: Thursday, December 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation. Morning Masses will be at 5:45 AM, 7:30 AM and 8:30 AM (Sung). There will also be Benediction at 5:45 PM followed by Mass at 6:30 PM.

Second Collection schedule: December 11th to benefit the Building Fund. December 18th to benefit the Academy. Thank you for your generosity.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast: There will be Rosary and Benediction in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Sunday, December 11th at 5:30 PM. Please join us in Boyle Hall after Benediction for Mexican pan dulce (sweet bread) and hot chocolate. 

Christmas Decorating: Decorating the church for Christmas will take place Sunday, December 18th from 3:00 - 5:00 PM, followed by Vespers in the Church. Dinner will be provided at 5:30 PM in Boyle Hall. Please join us for this family-friendly event, and bring a dessert or drink to share. Many hands make light (and enjoyable!) work.

Bookstore: A variety of Christmas Cards are now available in the bookstore.

Raffle for Altar Servers: The Holy Name Society is selling raffle tickets to purchase new cassocks and surplices for our altar boys. Tickets are $20; only 250 tickets will be sold. Grand prize is $1,000, second place prize is $250. The drawing will be held on the Feast of the Holy Family, Sunday, January 8, 2023.