June 5, 2022


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Richard Gareau, who died on May 26th. The funeral will be Monday, June 6th here at Our Lady of Sorrows, beginning with rosary at 9:45 AM, followed by a Requiem Mass at 10:00 AM.

Ember Days: Traditional days of fast and partial abstinence are Wednesday, Friday (complete abstinence), and Saturday, June 8th, 10th and 11th.  This observance was originally instituted to encourage the faithful to pray and do penance for new priests. Please offer your prayers and sacrifices on these days that God may inspire more men to offer themselves for this holy ministry and for the perseverance of those already ordained. 

Rosary to End Abortion: Please join the Simeon & Anna Sodality and the Holy Name Society for a rosary to end abortion on Saturday, June 11th, 10:00 - 11:00 am at 1331 N. 7th St., Phoenix. For more information, contact: [email protected].

Easter Duty Reminder: All baptized Catholics of age are obliged to receive Holy Communion worthily at least once during Easter time, which runs from the First Sunday of Lent to Trinity Sunday.

Second Collection schedule: June 12th to benefit the Building Fund. June 19th to benefit the Academy. Thank you for your generosity.

Altar Server Training on June 18th and July 16th has been cancelled.

Mass Schedule Change:  There will be only two Masses (at 8:00 AM and 11:30 AM) on Sunday, June 19th, due to the Feast of Corpus Christi and procession. Eucharistic Crusaders and First Holy Communicants will lead the procession after the 8:00 AM High Mass. All parishioners are invited to bring flower petals to distribute during the procession.

Solemn Vows Announced: The Contemplative Dominican Nuns of the Monastery of St. Joseph in Avrille, France are happy to announce the perpetual profession of Sister Esperance (Laureen Tuckness from Our Lady of Sorrows) and Sister Marie de Nazareth (Anne Gieser from St. Michael’s Church, Mandan, ND). Mass and ceremony will take place on Sunday, June 12, 2022. Please keep them in your prayers on this joyous occasion.