Liturgical schedule, confession times, parish events, and announcements for the week. Click "read more" to view it online, or download a PDF copy below.
Happy and Blessed Easter to all Parishioners from the Priests, Brothers and Consoling Sisters. Thank you for all your gifts and prayers.
Easter Duty Reminder: All baptized Catholics of age are obliged to receive Holy Communion worthily at least once during Easter time, which runs from the First Sunday of Lent to Trinity Sunday.
Holy Name Society meeting Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:30 PM in the Performing Arts Center. Fr. Pons will give a conference, with discussion and refreshments following. All men of the parish are encouraged to attend.
All Day Adoration on Friday, April 5th begins after 8:30 AM Mass and ends with Rosary and Benediction at 6:00 PM. Sign-up sheet is in the vestibule. Please be sure all time slots are filled to give correct veneration to Our Lord. “Can you not watch one hour with Me?”
Bourbon & Cigar Tasting: All men are invited to the next Holy Name Society Bourbon & Cigar Tasting Event on Friday, April 5th at 7:00 PM on the lawn by the Pieta statue. Come enjoy a wonderful cigar and several different bourbons for just $20 per person. Please contact the HNS officers at [email protected] with any questions.
Second Collection schedule: April 7th to benefit the Building Fund; a special collection for vocations will be taken on Good Shepherd Sunday, April 14th; April 21st for the Consoling Sisters Foundation. Thank you for your continued generosity.
The Second Banns of Marriage are announced for Mr. Juan Bedolla Edeza of Phoenix, AZ and Miss Vanessa Cervantes of Phoenix, AZ, who plan to be married on April 12, 2024. Any persons knowing of any impediment to this union are obliged in conscience to notify the pastor as soon as possible.
Kindergarten Applications for Our Lady of Sorrows Academy for 2024-2025 are now being accepted. Current OLOSA families will find the application on the Family Portal. New families, please request information through the Academy website: or by calling the school office at (602) 305-7183.
Enrollment for Our Lady of Sorrows Academy for 2024-2025 is now open. Priority re-enrollment (no fee) for returning families runs through April 20th. Current OLOSA families will find the enrollment paperwork on the Family Portal. New Families must apply, interview and test before enrolling. Request information through the Academy website or by calling the school office at (602) 305-7183.
Camp Stella Matutina: Girls ages 13 – 18 years old are invited to attend camp this summer with the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart, August 5 -14th at Mormon Lake, AZ. Please contact the office ([email protected] or 602-268-7673) to register.