Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Thursday, November 23rd, Thanksgiving: All are encouraged to make a special effort to attend Mass to thank God for the graces we have received. Evening confessions and Benediction are cancelled due to the holiday.
Christmas Boutique: The Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Christmas boutique on November 26th and December 3rd. Proceeds benefit parishioners/families in need. We are asking for donations of Christmas crafts and gifts to sell. All donations can be turned in to the church office. For questions, details or to volunteer to help, please email Elizabeth at [email protected] or text 480-244-1516.
Christmas Bake Sale: The Ladies Auxiliary is requesting donations of baked goods to be sold at the Christmas Boutique. Please bring your items packaged and priced on either Sunday, November 26th or December 3rd. Thank you!
Bookstore Sale: All bookstore items (excluding Abbey Roast coffee) are now 20% off the original price. Stop in to shop for Christmas gifts and cards.
Advent Recollection: All parishioners are invited to a morning Recollection on Saturday, December 2nd. After the 8:30 AM Mass, there will be breakfast, followed by conferences, confessions, consultations, and ending with Sext at 12:15 PM.
Sunday Brunch for the Priory: Volunteers are needed to prepare Sunday Brunch for the Priory. Please show your appreciation to our Priests and Religious by cooking one meal for them! For more details and to sign up, please visit or contact Elizabeth at 480-244-1516. Thank you to all who help feed our Priory!
Field Closed: The entire church field has been re-seeded, therefore all activities on the field are suspended until December 9th. This includes all regularly scheduled soccer/volleyball games and other events. All persons are asked to stay off the field. We also ask parents to please ensure your children do not go into or around the field after Mass, Benediction, school, etc.
Special Second Collection: The SSPX U.S. District annual collection for the Foreign Missions Program will be taken on Sunday, December 3rd. These funds help the various missions in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, South America, Mexico, and others to operate their apostolates. Thank you for your generosity.