November 27, 2022

First Sunday of Advent

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Barber, who died November 17, 2022.

Thank you to all who helped make Our Lady of Sorrows Academy’s 13th Annual Jog-A-Thon a success. Donations accepted until December 6th. Thank you for supporting our parish school!

Christmas boutique and bake sale today and December 4th. Please visit the tables outside church to purchase Advent and Christmas items. All proceeds benefit families/parishioners in need.

Christmas giving tree instructions. Please choose an ornament from the tree, purchase the item/items and deliver to the church office WRAPPED with the ornament attached by December 16, 2022. Please include a gift receipt, if appropriate. Thank you for your generosity.

All Day Adoration on Friday, December 2nd begins after the 8:30 AM Mass and ends with Rosary and Benediction at 5:45 PM. Sign-up sheet is in the vestibule. Please be sure all time slots are filled to give correct veneration to Our Lord. “Can you not watch one hour with Me?”  First Friday Mass follows Benediction at 6:30 PM.

Advent Recollection: All parishioners are invited to a morning Recollection on Saturday, December 3rd. After the 8:30 AM Mass, there will be a breakfast sponsored by the Simeon & Anna Sodality, followed by conferences, confessions, consultations, and rosary.

Special Second Collection: The SSPX U.S. District annual collection for the Foreign Missions Trust will be taken on Sunday, December 4th. These funds help all the various missions in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, South America, Mexico, and others to operate their apostolates. Thank you for your generosity.

Bookstore: A variety of Christmas Cards are now available in the bookstore.

Altar Flowers Donations: Donation envelopes for purchasing the flowers on the altar can be found in the vestibule. Each envelope is for one week, and lists the Feasts celebrated during that week. You may contribute any or all amount of the flower cost for that week. If interested, please take one envelope and return it to either the Sunday collection basket or to the church office. We are grateful for your generosity.