November 5, 2023

Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

Women’s Ignatian Retreat starts tomorrow. Please keep silent on the retreat grounds this week. Please keep the retreatants in your prayers.

Holy Name Society meeting Wednesday, November 8th at 6:30 PM in the Performing Arts Center. Fr. Pons will give a conference, with discussion and refreshments following.  All men interested in learning more about the Holy Name Society are encouraged to attend.

2023 OLOS Bags Tournament: Please join the men of Our Lady of Sorrows, ages 12 and up, for a Bags (Cornhole) Tournament sponsored by the Holy Name Society, on Saturday, November 11th at 9:30 AM on the field. This is an all-day men's event including food, drinks, cigars, a cornhole tournament, and much more. We will honor all veterans during the event, and all veterans and first responders play for free. Pre-registration materials and more event info can be found in the vestibule on the HNS Bulletin Board. For any questions, please email [email protected].

The Christmas Giving Tree will be on display during the Christmas Boutique this year on November 26th and December 3rd. The ornaments on this tree will list specific items needed by one of our parishioners, particularly at Christmas. If you or someone you know could benefit from the Christmas Giving Tree, contact Fr. Pons or Monique at the church office (602-268-7673 x1). Requests will remain confidential.

Christmas Boutique: The Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Christmas boutique on November 26th and December 3rd. Proceeds benefit parishioners/families in need. We are asking for donations of Christmas crafts and gifts to sell. All donations can be turned in to the church office. For questions, details or to volunteer to help, please email Elizabeth at [email protected] or text 480-244-1516.

Second Collection schedule:  November 12th to benefit the Building Fund; November 19th for the Consoling Sisters Foundation. Thank you for your generosity.