Our Lady of Sorrows Welcomes Fr. Grun for Marriage Conference May 30-Apr 4

Source: Our Lady of Sorrows Priory

Fr. Grun will be giving a 5-day conference on Marriage, with conferences delivered each day, at the 11:15 Mass and at 6:30pm

Fr. Grun has been giving conferences on the topic of marriage throughout SSPX churches for several years.  We are thrilled to have him at our church, for you to better understand matrimony as a sanctifying sacrament!

Angelus Press published a book on marriage along similar lines to the lecture:  Wine of Cana, which will be available at the conferences for couples to purchase.

As explained in the book's Foreword, the title (Wine of Cana—Our Lord's first public manifestation of His public ministry with the miracle of changing water into wine during the Cana wedding feast) refers to the spiritual fruits that are derived from the sacrament of matrimony:


This is not a book of 'a thousand tips for a happy marriage.' There are many books that one can find with many suggestions and valuable pieces of advice, but most of them lack a truly Christian basis and do not treat marriage as a sacrament.

This book would like to invite its reader on a journey. On this path we will look at the beginning of the world, focus on the end and completion of creation as well as its central theme, and what part the Christian married couple plays in it. All this will serve the true understanding of marriage as a sacrament.


This book should also be a reminder that marriage is appointed for the glorification of God throughout life; in the sacrament of marriage the spouses pray, 'Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come.' If they try to follow this precept, then these words of Christ apply: 'For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.'"

The book is available at AngelusPress.org as well