A Religious Visits Home

Sr. Mary James visits her home parish and gives a presentation on the Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X
When a young woman enters the convent of the Sisters of St. Pius X, her first two years are spent as a postulant and then as a novice. During this time she is not allowed to leave the convent for vacation, in view of her formation. Once this is completed and she has taken her religious vows, she may take some vacation time.
So it was that Sr. Mary James - Catherine Evans in the world - having made her vows on April 19th 2020, visited her family and the parish in Phoenix. She is the daughter of Dennis and Monique Evans, the latter of whom is well known by retreatants and vistors for her culinary skills, and for her vibrant personality.
Sister Mary James is a graduate of Our Lady of Sorrows Academy, and so we asked her to speak about the religious life to the girls of the parish and of the academy.

Sister speaks to the academy girls
Sister's presentaion included a slideshow about the life of a sister. She described that life as a one of prayer and sacrifice, in which the sister gives herself for the glory of God and the sanctification of her own soul. This religious life for women was founded alongside the priestly Society of St. Pius X, as an allied community with the mission to pray for the sanctification of priests, and to assist the priests in whatever capacity would be of help to them. Their tasks include taking care of the sacristy, secretarial duties, teaching, laundry and much more. In this they collaborate with the work of the missionary apostolate, and work for the salvation of souls by their hidden gift of self to God.
Sister shared the primary condition to be cultivated by the girls now, if ever they are to consider choosing the religious state when they leave school. That disposition is generosity - to do everything, even little things as best they can, out of love for God. Nothing prepares the soul better for the religious life than this sacrificial effort. After all, the religious life is nothing more than the Christian life lived in a more perfect way.
It is to be hoped that the example of such good sisters, and contacts with young girls will inspire many of them to choose this same path in life.
O Lord grant us many holy religious vocations!