Liturgical schedule, confession times, parish events, and announcements for the week. Click "read more" to view it online, or download a PDF copy below.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Terence Finnegan, who died on December 19th. Funeral details will be announced when finalized. Fr. Finnegan was a former SSPX priest who remained friendly with us while offering the traditional Mass at Our Lady of Quito in Phoenix.
Christmas Novena of Masses: Christmas cards with the gift of a novena of Masses are available in the vestibule. Donations will benefit the building fund and may be turned into the church office, bookstore or placed in the collection basket. The novena of Masses will begin with the Christmas Midnight Mass. Deadline to turn in intention envelopes: Monday, December 23rd.
Vespers will be at 4:00 PM on Wednesday, December 25th.
Archconfraternity Enrollment will take place on the Feast of St. Stephen, Thursday, December 26th at the 8:30 AM Sung Mass.
Blessing of Wine: The traditional blessing of wine will take place after both Masses on Friday, December 27th, the Feast of St. John the Evangelist.
Blessing of Children will take place after both Masses on Saturday, December 28th for the Feast of the Holy Innocents.
No Catechism classes December 22nd and 29th. Classes will resume Sunday, January 5th.
Thank you: The priests, brothers and sisters would like to extend their sincere thanks to everyone who showered us so generously with gifts, cards, and prayers. We are very grateful, and you all will be in our prayers during this holy season.
Bookstore: Abbey Roast Coffee is now on sale for $10 per bag. Other new items from the Monastery are also available. There is a limited supply of Angelus Press 2025 calendars remaining, and no additional calendars will be ordered.
Third Order of St. Francis monthly meeting will take place Saturday, December 28th in Boyle Hall. The meeting for all members will begin immediately following the 7:30 AM Mass, followed by instructions for new members. For questions or further information, please contact Mrs. Maria McCaughey at 509-993-9918.
Monday, January 1st is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass times will be 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM (sung Mass) and 11:00 AM.
Parish Picnic: All parishioners are invited to a parish picnic on Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 12:30 PM. The Holy Name Society will set up tables and chairs on the field. We ask each family to bring their own food and drink to feed themselves, plus extra to share, if you wish. Please bring games, balls, and equipment to share with everyone to provide a variety of entertainment. We will end with Vespers at 5:00 PM. Come out and join your parish family on this Feast of the Holy Family!
Archery Raffle & Tournament: The OLOS Archery Club will host its first outdoor tournament here on January 18, 2025, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM. All are encouraged to come watch a real tournament competition. Please help support the Archery Program by buying a raffle ticket for the chance to win a complete archery set. Visit the archery tent outside church after Sunday Masses for further details and to purchase your raffle tickets.